Fuzzball Documentation
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Using High-Speed Fabrics with Fuzzball

Fuzzball supports the use of traditional HPC high-speed interconnects like InfiniBand and Omni-Path, as well so more cloud oriented high-speed fabrics like the AWS Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA). The basic principle is that the appropriate user-space libraries to support the driver must be installed in your container to use high-speed interconnects.

Typically, when using Rocky Linux containers, installing the following packages should enable your jobs to utilize either InfiniBand or Omni-Path.

$ dnf -y groupinstall "InfiniBand Support" \
    && dnf -y install opa-basic-tools libpsm2 libfabric libfabric-devel

Other interconnects may require different packages. For example, EFA installation depends on the type of MPI that you will use with it. See the AWS documentation section titled “Install the EFA software” for more information.