Fuzzball Documentation
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Installing the CLI

To interact with Fuzzball through the CLI, you must first install the CLI. The easiest was to do so, is to install the pre-compiled binary via an RPM file hosted on Depot.

You must obtain a username and login token from the CIQ sales/support team to log into Depot and install tools like the Fuzzball CLI.

The instructions for installing the depot cli tool can be found on the CIQ Depot page. They are reproduced here for convenience.

$ DEPOT_USER="" # populate with your username for CIQ Depot

$ ACCESS_KEY="" # populate with the Depot key obtained from the CIQ sales/support team

$ sudo dnf install -y https://depot.ciq.com/public/files/depot-client/depot/depot.x86_64.rpm

$ sudo depot register -u ${DEPOT_USER} -t ${ACCESS_KEY}

$ sudo depot dnf

Now that you have the depot CLI installed and dnf configured, you can install the Fuzzball CLI.

$ sudo dnf -y install fuzzball-cli

You can now use the Fuzzball CLI. Remember that the --help flag is available to guide you in your Fuzzball usage.

$ fuzzball --help
This fuzzball cli allows users to interface with a fuzzball cluster(s)

  fuzzball [command]

Available Commands:
  account      Manage accounts
  completion   Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  context      Manage fuzzball contexts
  definition   Manage fuzzball compute resource definitions
  desktop      Manage and provision fuzzball virtual desktops
  help         Help about any command
  organization Manage your organization
  profile      Manage user profile information
  secret       Manage fuzzball secrets
  storage      Manage Fuzzball storage and volumes
  version      Print the CLI and agent version
  workflow     Manage fuzzball workflows

  -c, --color string   Set the color output for fuzzball ($FUZZBALL_COLOR) (default "auto")
      --disable-auth   Disables auth ($FUZZBALL_DISABLE_AUTH)
      --disable-tls    Disables tls ($FUZZBALL_DISABLE_TLS)
  -h, --help           help for fuzzball
      --insecure       Enable insecure connections ($FUZZBALL_INSECURE)
  -j, --json           Output in json ($FUZZBALL_JSON)

Use "fuzzball [command] --help" for more information about a command.