Fuzzball Documentation
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Remaining Dependencies

Fuzzball requires a few more components to be present and operational before using the operator for installation.


A bare-metal deployment RKE2 requires the metallb load-balancer for the assignment of external IP addresses.

# kubectl apply -f \

Once metallb is deployed, add a pool to tell K8s what addresses it is allowed to use for external services. Adjust the address list for the local environment. Fuzzball will require an address in addition to the address used for the prerequisite OCI registry.

# IP1="" # set this according to your environment and preference (for example

# IP2="" # set this according to your environment and preference (for example

# cat >metallb-pool.yaml<<EOF
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
  name: default-pool
  namespace: metallb-system
  - ${IP1}/32
  - ${IP2}/32

# kubectl apply -f metallb-pool.yaml

After applying the pool to the cluster, create an advertisement to make the pool available on a local L2 network.

# INTERNAL_INTERFACE="" # populate this with the value of your internal interface (e.g. enp8s0)

# cat >metallb-advertisement.yaml<<EOF
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: L2Advertisement
  name: default-advertisement
  namespace: metallb-system
  - default-pool

# kubectl apply -f metallb-advertisement.yaml


Many Kubernetes applications (including the Fuzzball Operator) use the Helm “package manager” to manage deployments. The official Helm installation instructions recommend a curl | sh approach.

It is usually considered a bad practice to perform a curl | sh since you never can be completely sure of the code you are running. A bad actor could compromise the server hosting the URL and change the script. You may want to download and inspect the script before running it.
# curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash -

Local Path Provisioner

The Fuzzball Operator expects a StorageClass to be deployed as a prerequisite.

# kubectl apply -f \

RKE2 ships with a policy that permits access to /opt/local-path-provisioner via a container_file_t. To ensure that the path is created and properly labeled, we can perform the following.

# mkdir -p /opt/local-path-provisioner

# restorecon -vr /opt/local-path-provisioner


Fuzzball Orchestrate uses NFS to deliver configuration to the compute nodes and share containers. This shared filesystem can easily be provided by NFS from the Server node, particularly in single-node deployments. If you want to server NFS from the Server node, you can follow these steps:

# PRIVATE_SUBNET="" # populate this with the proper value for your environment (e.g.

# dnf install -y nfs-utils

# systemctl enable --now nfs-server

# mkdir -p /srv/fuzzball/shared

# echo "/srv/fuzzball/shared ${PRIVATE_SUBNET}(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)" >>/etc/exports

# exportfs -a

Congratulations! At this point you should have a working K8s (RKE2) deployment suitable for a Fuzzball installation. If you decide that you want to remove the deployment, you can do so by using the rke2-uninstall.sh script from the same URL as above.

Now head over to the Fuzzball Installation Guide to complete your setup.