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Adding Users to Accounts

In order to add users to an account, you will need organization owner or account owner permissions. Users can be added to an account using the Fuzzball account CLI subcommand add-owner or add-member.

In this example, we will add user user2@example.com as an account owner to the account we created in the previous section named test-account1. In order to do so, we will need the ID of user user2@example.com and the account ID of test-account1.

To obtain the user ID of user2@example.com, we will use the Fuzzball organization CLI subcommand list-members. The output below shows that the user ID of user2@example.com is 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab.

$ fuzzball organization list-members
NAME              | ID                                   | CREATED TIME          | LAST UPDATED          | LAST ACTIVE
user2@example.com | 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab | 2024-07-10 12:10:39AM | 2024-07-10 12:10:39AM | 2024-07-10 12:10:39AM
user3@example.com | dc7b2584-9895-4d9d-8a49-c8b90f9d726b | 2024-07-10 12:19:14AM | 2024-07-10 12:19:14AM | 2024-07-10 12:19:14AM
user@example.com  | f5ce6b0f-03fe-4ce2-a792-e3c5f41e1e5b | 2024-07-03 09:38:36PM | 2024-07-09 09:43:07PM | 2024-07-09 10:32:54PM

To obtain the account ID of test-account1, we will use the Fuzzball account CLI subcommand list. The output below shows that the ID of account test-account1 is 324fe14b-1008-4c2d-8e07-e7136c7db38f.

$ fuzzball account list
SELECTED | NAME                         | ID                                   | CREATED TIME          | LAST UPDATED
         | User Account (admin@ciq.com) | 06559942-1f88-4c99-93c5-2dfb1537d355 | 2024-06-19 12:51:29PM | 2024-06-19 12:51:29PM
    *    | default                      | 2ec072f6-7ab2-42fc-acce-5fc0912ce3b0 | 2024-07-03 09:38:14PM | 2024-07-03 09:38:14PM
         | test-account1                | 324fe14b-1008-4c2d-8e07-e7136c7db38f | 2024-07-09 10:18:18PM | 2024-07-09 10:18:18PM

To add user2@example.com as an account owner to account test-account1, we will use the Fuzzball account CLI subcommand add-owner. The user ID will be provided as an argument. The account ID will be provided as an argument to the --account/-a flag. You should see an output similar to the one below when an account owner is successfully added.

$ fuzzball account add-owner 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab \
    --account 324fe14b-1008-4c2d-8e07-e7136c7db38f
Added owner: user2@example.com to account: 324fe14b-1008-4c2d-8e07-e7136c7db38f

In the next example, we will add user user3@example.com as an account member to the account we created in the previous section named test-account1. In order to do so, we will need the ID of user user3@example.com and the account ID of test-account1.

To obtain the user ID of user3@example.com, you may need to use the Fuzzball organization CLI subcommand list-members. The output above from running fuzzball organization list-members shows the user ID of user3@example.com is dc7b2584-9895-4d9d-8a49-c8b90f9d726b. The output above from running fuzzball account list shows the ID of account test-account1 is 324fe14b-1008-4c2d-8e07-e7136c7db38f.

To add user3@example.com as an account member to account test-account1, we will use the Fuzzball account CLI subcommand add-member. The user ID will be provided as an argument. The account ID will be provided as an argument to the --account/-a flag. You should see an output similar to the one below when an account member is successfully added.

$ fuzzball account add-member dc7b2584-9895-4d9d-8a49-c8b90f9d726b \
    --account 324fe14b-1008-4c2d-8e07-e7136c7db38f
Added member: user3@example.com to account: 324fe14b-1008-4c2d-8e07-e7136c7db38f