Fuzzball Documentation
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Organization Management

After Fuzzball has been deployed on your system, you will first need to create an organization before you are able to add Fuzzball users. To create an organization, you will need access to the fuzzball-admin CLI. The fuzzball-admin CLI can be accessed in the fuzzball-admin-0 pod which is running on the server node as part of Fuzzball Orchestrate.

The command below shows all the fuzzball-admin subcommands which can be run.

$ kubectl exec -n fuzzball fuzzball-admin-0 -- /app/fuzzball-admin --help
This CLI allows you to interface with internal fuzzball service endpoints directly via a preexisting port-forward.

  fuzzball-admin [command]

Available Commands:
  audit        Manage audit data
  completion   Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help         Help about any command
  organization Manage organization
  provision    Mangage the provision service
  schedule     Mangage the scheduler

  -h, --help   help for fuzzball-admin

Use "fuzzball-admin [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The next section will focus on the fuzzball-admin subcommand organization which will be used to create your organization.