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Storage Volumes, Ownership, and Permissions

When an Account is created, a group ID (GID) is allocated for the account. All account members have the allocated GID added to their user.

When a Storage Volume is created within an account, the group ownership of the top level directory is set to either the primary group ID of user or root group ID for the storage volume directory group. This configuration is set in the storage volume definition. Group permissions set at the top level directory are set to read/write. setgid is configured at the top level directory and is used to ensure data written to the Storage Volume has group ownership set to the allocated GID.

By default, umask is typically set 002. The umask enables a user to do anything (read, write, execute) with the files created while other users can only read and execute, but not alter them. As a result, account members can share data written to a Storage Volume. Setting a umask in a workflow can modify the permissions files created with in the Storage Volume.