Fuzzball Documentation
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Roles and Permissions

The table below illustrates the permissions of roles which can manipulate organizations and their membership.

Action Organization Owner Organization Member
Add Organization Owner x
Add Organization Member x
View Organization Members x x

The table below illustrates the permissions of roles which can manipulate accounts and their membership.

Action Organization Owner Account Owner Account Member
Create Account x
Update Account x
Delete Account x
Add Account Owner x x
Remove Account Owner x x
View Account Owners x x x
Add Account Member x x
Remove Account Member x x
View Account Members x x x

The table below shows account roles and their ability to manipulate account and user scoped resources such as secrets, storage volumes, and compute resource definitions.

Resource Action Account Owner Account Member
Account Scoped Resource Create x
Update x
Delete x
Access x x
User Scoped Resources Create x x
Update x x
Delete x x
Access x x

In the next section, we will walk through an example which ties the concepts of organizations, accounts, and users together.