Fuzzball Documentation
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Starting and Stopping Your New Workflow

Now that you have a Fuzzfile loaded into the GUI or saved on your file system for use with the CLI, you are ready to have fun running you first workflow!

Please select either the GUI or CLI tab to see the appropriate instructions for your environment.

Submitting your workflow to Fuzzball with the GUI is easy. Simply press the triangular “Start Workflow” button in the lower right corner of the workflow editor.

Fuzzball start workflow button on workflow editor

You will be prompted to provide an optional descriptive name for your workflow.

Fuzzball name workflow and submit screen

Now you can click on “Start Workflow” in the lower right corner of the dialog box and your workflow will be submitted. If you click “Go to Status” you can view the workflow status page.

Fuzzball workflow status page

If you leave the workflow running, you can use it to complete the following sections on Interacting with workflows. But if the workflow times out, or you click the red button labeled “Cancel” you can always click the green “Rerun” button on the same page to start a new workflow from the same Fuzzfile.

Assuming you created and cd-ed into a new directory and created the file printer.fz in the previous section on building workflows, the command that you need to submit the workflow follows.

$ fuzzball workflow start printer.fz
Workflow "3cc718d1-e35c-4455-b4f4-ca3412727277" started.

As you can see above, Fuzzball gives each workflow a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) upon submission. To stop or interact with a running workflow, you must reference it by the UUID. For example, to stop the workflow we started above we would need to issue the following command:

$ fuzzball workflow stop 3cc718d1-e35c-4455-b4f4-ca3412727277
Workflow stopped with name 3cc718d1-e35c-4455-b4f4-ca3412727277

The remainder of the quick start guide will use the syntax <workflow uuid> to refer to the unique identifier.